Decades of expertise, simplified into expert tools

Do you need to review a contract urgently? If you don't have time to ask me to provide a report on the red flags...

Do you want to ensure your content will build trust and help you do business? Ask me to simplify your content or...

Do you need some confidence-boosting tips on contracting? Book an expert masterclass or ask me to speak at your event, or...

Photo of lady in burgundy dress sat in front of a laptop and smiling
Sarah Fox holding a large prop of lips made of red and pink tissue paper and carboard. She is facing away from the camera and speaking to an audience.

Do your deals stutter? Do relationships get sabotaged by paperwork? What does this cost your business?

Let me or my associates help your team master the art of contracting – from first contact to contract success.

“Your workshop was one of the most engaging, thought-provoking and fun sessions I have attended.”
Mark Brain
Director, Faithful + Gould