Lessons from failure: what construction can learn from software projects

According to the data, 75% of clients expect their software projects to fail! Wow… and I thought we had it bad in construction!

What should you do?

Many of the proposed solutions (link) will also resonate for anyone involved with construction projects:

  1. Improve communication
  2. Embrace change (both in the project and how it is managed)
  3. Review the project regularly based on hard data not guesswork
  4. Create clear requirements and scope
  5. Have realistic expectations
  6. Use a great contract administrator or project manager
  7. Know your why
  8. Don’t move the goalposts too often
  9. Invest in your project team (do you want cheap, quick or fast?)
  10. Under-promise (never over-promise to close the deal).

What are some of your solutions?


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