What happens you you become a customer of a business?

In Bryony Thomas’ book “Watertight Marketing” she says that when you sign on the dotted line, or pop in your credit card details, it will often lead to you being sent a lengthy contract in legalese “to remind you that they’ve got you cornered.”


This sort of contract acts as emotional tug which basically calls into question your decision to work with that client or supplier. It asks are you really sure? Of course, if your contract is consistent with your brand, your values, your marketing collateral and your website, then it acts as a seamless transition and confirms you are sure.

On-boarding a client or supplier marks the transition from interested to committed, from prospect to client. And this transition needs to be as smooth and you can make it. Instead, many contracts create a sinking feeling in their recipients.

Your customers or suppliers will, as Bryony says “build a connection with your business at each step of the [transaction], and through every interaction with your business. The strength of this connection comes into sharp focus either just before, or just after, someone signed on the dotted line… and if there’s an inkling of doubt, they may well just stop there.”

What should you do?

See your contracting process and content through your customers or suppliers eyes – is the process positive, do the terms enhance trust, will the contact perform in practice?

Don’t create further hurdles for your clients to jump over. Be easy to work with. 

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