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Images of Sarah
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Featured talks
All talks are tailored to your specific requirements based on briefing calls. Sarah’s current talk topics include:
- ‘Contracts are not about the law, they’re about doing deals’
- ‘Why GenAI cannot be trusted to write your contract, any more than a lawyer can’
- ‘Secrets from a lawyer – the five clauses you should never agree to’
- ‘Why your contract is marketing… after all they haven’t signed on the dotted line yet’
Following her recent 5-month sabbatical cycling around Europe, she is also developing a talk ‘Working in tandem: 8500km to simpler deals (without the uphill struggles)‘.
Contracts in Just 500 Words

Sarah has published five highly-rated books about how to write simple and effective construction contracts in just 500 words. The books are aimed at a lay audience as well as legal professionals, giving business-people the tools they need to quickly produce professional contracts that cover all the bases while being simple to read and approve.
Custom-printed books can be ordered for your audience with an original foreword and your event or company logo. Minimum order 50.
Introduction for construction events
Contracting is broken. Construction legal spend is double the norm, one third of projects start without a contract and disputes are caused by contract errors or contract misuse and abuse. But contracts are just tools to help us do business. Our speaker is a recovering lawyer with decades experience of negotiating and training people on effective contracting. She uses her deep expertise within the UK construction sector to help you think differently about the process, content and branding of doing deals. She teaches people across industry how to streamline deals and enhance customer relations with contracts that represent their values, embed trust, and keep everyone protected. Please welcome author, innovator and founder of 500-word contracts, Sarah Fox.
Introduction for other sectors
Contracting is broken. After decades dealing with huge deals, our speaker realised that long, complex and bad contracts were costing time, money, and relationships. She is a recovering lawyer who uses her deep expertise within the UK construction sector to help you think differently about the process, content and branding of doing deals. She inspires business-people to streamline deals and enhance customer relations with contracts that represent their values, embed trust, and keep everyone protected. Please welcome author, innovator and founder of 500-word contracts, Sarah Fox.
Sarah's bios
Short (44 words)
Sarah Fox is a recovering lawyer who advocates for short, simple contracts, starting with 500 words. She inspires industry leaders, salespeople and their teams to streamline deals and enhance customer relations with contracts that represent their values, embed trust, and keep everyone protected.
Medium (72 words)
Sarah Fox is a lawyer transforming the way people do business. After decades dealing with huge deals in the construction sector, she realised that long, complex and bad contracts were costing time, money, deals and relationships. Sarah advocates for short, simple contracts starting with just 500 words. And inspires people across industries to streamline deals and enhance customer relations with contracts that represent their values, embed trust, and keep everyone protected.
Long (90 words)
Sarah Fox is a recovering lawyer transforming the way people do business. After decades dealing with huge deals in the construction sector, she realised that long, complex and bad contracts were costing time, money, deals and relationships. And after all that, they were usually just shoved in a drawer! There was a better way. Now Sarah advocates for short, simple contracts starting with just 500 words. And inspires people across industries to streamline deals and enhance customer relations with contracts that represent their values, embed trust, and keep everyone protected.
A/V requirements
Sarah presents using a mixture of props and slides. She welcomes a comfort monitor and timer but these are not required. Sarah prefers a lapel or headset microphone so she can gesticulate wildly, manage her slide transitions and use her props to their best effect.
If food is provided, Sarah requires a gluten-free option.