TLC Topic: Simple process

A blond-haired child wears a black scallop-edged cape and black eye mask. They are holding the cap open as if they were about to fly. In the background is a blurry office building. Via Unsplash.
Sarah Fox

#23: How confident are you?

When I first started providing contract workshops, many of my courses were titled Confidence with Contracts. I’ve since created public resources on my website and on slideshare, and now client-only resources on my exclusive Client Hub. Read the full edition here Tools for Legal Confidence When you want to get good at your own

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A stack (3 cans high by 8 cans wide) of red soda or pop cans, with red logos and a variety of names all mimicking Dr Pepper.
Sarah Fox

#22: Did you ever?

Does your attitude to copying depend on whether it’s something low value like a knock off branded drink or your own hard work? Before you saw the value in a unique contract, did you ever ask someone else for a copy of theirs so you could copy it/be inspired by

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A blue sign in a restaurant with a white image of a plate and cutlery. On top of the plate image are the words free wifi inside. There is a beachside restaurant in the background. By Bernard Hermant via Unsplash
Sarah Fox

#19: Lurking in the small print

Have you ever signed up for a holiday activity to find you’ve taken on responsibility you never expected? Or lied when ticking that you have read the terms and conditions for a wifi? Or failed to read the terms for the social media platforms or websites you use? You’d be

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A series of train platforms at a brick-built station under a domed roof, with escalators allowing access and passengers milling around.
Sarah Fox

#17: Fail

Have you ever been swept up in dealing with something and forgotten to provide the information someone else really needed? Like the time my sister and I failed spectacularly to meet on a train station, because I did not explain my revised plan properly to her…  she ended up in

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A photograph of a bottle of ink with ornate metal lid on top of a piece of heavy white paper. Next to the ink is a white feather.
Sarah Fox

#1: Welcome

Welcome to the first edition of my exclusive client update, which will help you get more TLC – whether that tips, laughs and confidence, tender loving care, or tiny little contracts. Please tell me what is bugging you this week with contracts, and I will provide pragmatic solutions in my

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